On Wednesday 23rd March 2022, the Severn Valley Railway will give National Lottery players the chance for a rare glimpse behind the scenes at its Kidderminster Carriage & Wagon Department.

All that’s needed is a National Lottery ticket or scratch card, and places must be booked in advance because space is very limited.

The lucky visitors will get up close and personal to some of the rolling stock that is currently under restoration. They’ll see heritage skills in action and meet some of the volunteers and apprentices who make it all happen.

The Severn Valley Railway is one of hundreds of participating National Lottery-funded visitor attractions across the UK, saying ‘thanks’ to people who have raised money for good causes by buying a lottery ticket. It’s all part of the #ThanksToYou week which runs between 19th and 27th March.

In recent years, the SVR has received £1,450,000 from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, which distributes grants on behalf of the National Lottery. Its most recent award of £854,000 helped to fund repair work to the Railway’s Falling Sands Viaduct. In addition, an award of £95,000 is helping to fund the restoration of the railway’s flagship locomotive No 4930 Hagley Hall. It’s planned this engine will return to steam later this year.

Helen Smith, the SVR’s Managing Director said: “Thanks to National Lottery players we’ve been able to carry out some significant, essential projects which otherwise would not have been possible. The repair work to Falling Sands Viaduct was crucial to the operation of the railway for future generations, and we are hugely excited about seeing our very own Hagley Hall take its rightful place back on the line once more.”

All applicants for the tour must bring a National Lottery ticket or scratch card, and must book their place in advance by emailing fundraising@svrtrust.org.uk