The Queen of comedy Dawn French brings her critically acclaimed live one-woman show, Dawn French Is A Huge Twat, to Birmingham Hippodrome in 2023.
The hilarious and endearing sell-out show toured earlier this year to rave reviews and wall-to-wall standing ovations.
In Dawn French Is A Huge Twat, the award-winning actor, best-selling novelist and comedy legend invites audiences to join her on a whirlwind journey through some of the most embarrassing, misguided and undignified moments of her personal and professional life, deep-diving into the countless times she has demonstrated – in her own words – “a spectacular display of twattery”.
Announcing these 2023 shows, Dawn said: “Attention all Twats! We grossly underestimated just how many glorious Twats are out there, wanting this show, so here I come, the second leg of the tour. Wooohooo! I couldn’t be more chuffed if I were a chough. So now, stop nagging me on social media about the fact we missed your town…and get booking."
Dawn French Is A Huge Twat comes to Birmingham Hippodrome from 5-6 October. Tickets are on sale here.
The Queen of comedy Dawn French brings her critically acclaimed live one-woman show, Dawn French Is A Huge Twat, to Birmingham Hippodrome in 2023.
The hilarious and endearing sell-out show toured earlier this year to rave reviews and wall-to-wall standing ovations.
In Dawn French Is A Huge Twat, the award-winning actor, best-selling novelist and comedy legend invites audiences to join her on a whirlwind journey through some of the most embarrassing, misguided and undignified moments of her personal and professional life, deep-diving into the countless times she has demonstrated – in her own words – “a spectacular display of twattery”.
Announcing these 2023 shows, Dawn said: “Attention all Twats! We grossly underestimated just how many glorious Twats are out there, wanting this show, so here I come, the second leg of the tour. Wooohooo! I couldn’t be more chuffed if I were a chough. So now, stop nagging me on social media about the fact we missed your town…and get booking."
Dawn French Is A Huge Twat comes to Birmingham Hippodrome from 5-6 October. Tickets are on sale here.