The Severn Valley Railway has launched a new, enhanced programme of steam and diesel footplate experiences, for those who have always dreamt of driving a train, running from June to October.

Four different packages will be available, and each one includes tickets for up to 10 friends and family to travel on the train you’ll be driving.

Starting from £400, including travel tickets for your 10 guests, the steam experiences will see you driving and firing one of the SVR’s locomotives, and include a safety briefing and detailed instructions and guidance from the experienced crew on the footplate. There are three levels of steam footplate experience - bronze, silver and gold - and the higher you go, the longer you’ll spend firing and driving.

The diesel footplate experience is £600 and will see you taking turns as ‘first man’ and ‘second man’, hauling a heavy train with up to 10 family members and friends travelling behind you. After your safety briefing, you’ll take a tour of the locomotive’s engine room, seeing the start-up procedure take place; then the journey begins. You’ll spend 16 miles covering both the cab roles, plus a further 16 travelling in the rear cab of the locomotive, and the option to travel in one of the train’s carriages with your guests for a further 32 miles, to make a whole day of things. Each diesel footplate experience is limited to just four participants, and the experience also includes a special behind-the-scenes tour of the Diesel Depot in Kidderminster.

All four footplate experiences include photo opportunities and a presentation folder with a certificate and memento of your experience.

For more information about the SVR’s footplate experiences, and to book one of the strictly limited places, visit

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