Wolverhampton Grand Theatre is holding an exciting artiste and practitioner recruitment day on Monday 1 August 2022.

The theatre is about to embark on multiple projects and is committed to including the thriving artistic community as part of future work.

Photographer, artist, director, videographer, choreographer, calligraphist, are just a few examples of the people the theatre wants to meet. This will be an opportunity to meet with senior decision makers at the theatre and showcase work.

Please note this is not a casting call and is an open call for freelance Artistes and Practitioners and not an open audition for performers.

Speak Up & Audiences Manager at the Grand Theatre, Lucy-Ellen Parker said; “we’re thrilled to be hosting an artiste and practitioners networking opportunity here at the Grand Theatre. We have a wealth of untapped talent in and around the Black Country. We are about to embark on some exciting projects here at the theatre and by growing our community of applied theatre practitioners we hope to work together to create more opportunities for freelance work.”

To register your interest please email lucy.parker@grandtheatre.co.uk with an example of your work in a format that is accessible to you.

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