George Orwell’s dystopian classic Animal Farm is being brought to life in a striking new production, showing at Wolverhampton Grand Theatre this May.

The animals of Manor Farm drive out the farmer and run the farm themselves. A revolution. And then what?

Orwell’s world-famous, thought-provoking fable tells the story of a revolution and its aftermath. Re-imagined by an award-winning creative team, Animal Farm combines captivating music and cinematic staging to create a powerful atmosphere onstage. The beautifully detailed life-sized puppets make this production a visually stunning spectacle, retelling a well-known story in an exciting new way.

Animal Farm is directed by Robert Icke, whose version of 1984 (co-adapted and directed with Duncan Macmillan) was a smash-hit in the West End and on Broadway. This brand new production features puppetry by Toby Olié (whose credits include War Horse, Running Wild and Goodnight Mister Tom) and is designed by four time Olivier award-winner Bunny Christie.

Animal Farm shows at Wolverhampton Grand from Tuesday 17 - Saturday 21 May. Tickets are available here.

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